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Picometer Water

Purchasing information: Please note that due to custom and tax regulations in China, each purchase is limited to a maximum of 4 bottles only. 



Bios Picometer Water : using nano technology, we are committed to the extraction of a wide range of trace mineral elements (germanium, selenium, platinum, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, etc), that are essential for the human body, from purified natural minerals. It does not contain any other ingredients. The main purpose is to enhance the body’s natural defense capabilities, and to promote cell regeneration.

Today, people are increasingly concerned about the composition of drinking water and their incompatibility with the human body. Trace mineral elements are natural, and are available in the field of biology. Therefore, it is very safe for the body to consume minerals.

Since ancient times, medical experts and nutritionists think that “water is the king of all medicine”. It’s better to use food rather than medicine to nourish the body, and it’s better to use water rather than food to nourish the body. Water is the source of life, and is the basis for the survival of all living things. However, the current ecological environment of the Earth has been damaged, and water is badly polluted. Due to the changes in the molecular structure of water, the functionality of water has reduced and water is becoming harmful to human health. Picometer Ion Water allows water to restore its function, and is suitable for nourishing the body.

我們致力于从净化的天然矿物中, 以納米科技提取丰富的人体必需的离子化矿物质微量元素 (鍺、 硒、鉑、镁、钾、铁、锌等), 并且不含任何添加成份。以增强身体的天然防御能力, 還能促進細胞再生。

如今, 人们越来越关注飲用水的成份以及与人体之间的兼容性。矿物质微量元素均属天然成份,且在生物学领域具有可利用性, 可以非常安全地为人体补充矿物质。

自古以来医学专家及营养家都认为“水是百药之王,药补不如食补,食补不如水补”。水是生命之源, 是万物生存的基础。然而, 目前地球生态环境遭到破坏,水质污染严重。水分子结构变化,使水的功能降低,成為危害人体健康的杀手. 皮米离子水,能讓水的功能復原,是適合您的水补泉源。

Drinking Instructions / 饮用说明

Open the sealed cap and remove the dripper from the mouth of the bottle. Pour one cap (5 ml) of Bios into a 1.5L flask or bottle of Purified or Distilled Water and shake the mixture well before drinking. Drink leisurely throughout the day. 

打开密封盖,从瓶口取出滴头。在1500 毫升(1.5 升) 纯净水或蒸馏水中加入1 盖(5毫升) Bios 皮米 水, 搅拌均匀后饮用. 全天悠闲地喝.


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